
Grape Expectations: IoT Solutions for the Modern Viticulturist

Sip Smarter - Protect your Harvest!

Cellar, Soil or Solar - We can monitor the lot!

  • Simplify your harvest, regardless of your crop. Our IoT solutions are designed to fit your unique needs.

  • With easy-to-install, plug-and-play technology, you can start optimizing your yields, reducing waste, and increasing profits in no time.

  • Whether you're a small-scale vineyard or a large-scale producer, our solutions are tailored to simplify your operations, not add complexity. Discover how our hassle-free IoT solutions can help you grow more with less, regardless of your agricultural specialty.

Frost Monitoring

Get up to date data on Ambient conditions - Be proactive, not reactive.

Environmental Monitoring

You can probably already guess the weather, but we can give you the data to prove you right!

Smart Water and Soil monitoring

Monitor your water wherever it may be. Troughs, irrigators, Tanks. We can let you know when there’s not enough, or if there’s too much. We can even do the same for your soil moisture levels!

Asset Tracking

Keep track of your Trailers, Implements, Tractors, Quadbikes, tools, etc.